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  • : dina.montgomery
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May 16 2011 1 16 /05 /May /2011 14:02

The kitchen is a place in your home that you want to be sanitary, and how sanitary can it be if your cat is jumping up onto the kitchen counter making a mess? Food is prepared in the kitchen and the last thing you want to see on the counter top is cat hair and other unsanitary things. Here is some advice on what you can do to help keep your cat off the counter and on the floor where he belongs.

Spray bottle Cats hate to get wet, so keeping a water bottle full of water nearby is a great way to curb his desire of jumping onto places he shouldn’t be. Whenever your cat jumps up onto the counter, take the spray bottle and spray him, make sure that you say no in a loud stern voice. Doing this many times usually curbs the desire to jump and eventually he will learn.

Aluminium foil

Cats don’t like the sound of aluminium foil and will stay away from it if at all possible. To deter your cat from jumping, place a sheet of aluminium foil in the space where your cat usually jumps. The aluminium foil will crinkle and they will jump down to try and avoid it. You can also tape strips of aluminium foil on the edges of the countertop to help discourage him from jumping in the first place. Soon he will associate the sound and the feel of the aluminium foil on the counter, which may cure him from jumping anymore.

Use the power of lemon

A great way to keep your cat from jumping onto your kitchen counter is to regularly wipe down the entire counter with lemon scented disinfecting wipes. You will accomplish two things at the same time, cleaning while disinfecting and also discouraging your cat from jumping. Now how is that for multitasking?


So if you are having trouble with you cat jumping onto your kitchen countertop, then try some of these strategies and see how they work for you. I’m guessing that after following them, you won’t have a problem anymore.

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